COMCAST CORP | 2013 | FY | 3

Note 3: Earnings Per Share

Computation of Diluted EPS
  2013 2012 2011
Year ended December 31 (in millions, except per share data) Net Income Attributable to Comcast CorporationShares Per Share Amount Net Income Attributable to Comcast CorporationShares Per Share Amount Net Income Attributable to Comcast CorporationShares Per Share Amount
Basic EPS attributable to Comcast Corporation shareholders$ 6,816 2,625$ 2.60$ 6,203 2,678$ 2.32$ 4,160 2,746$ 1.51
Effect of dilutive securities:               
Assumed exercise or issuance of shares relating to stock plans   40     39     32  
Diluted EPS attributable to Comcast Corporation shareholders$ 6,816 2,665$ 2.56$ 6,203 2,717$ 2.28$ 4,160 2,778$ 1.50

Our potentially dilutive securities include potential common shares related to our stock options and our restricted share units (“RSUs”). Diluted earnings per common share attributable to Comcast Corporation shareholders (“diluted EPS”) considers the impact of potentially dilutive securities using the treasury stock method. Diluted EPS excludes the impact of potential common shares related to our stock options in periods in which the combination of the option exercise price and the associated unrecognized compensation expense is greater than the average market price of our Class A common stock or our Class A Special common stock, as applicable.

Diluted EPS for 2011 excluded 45 million of potential common shares related to our share-based compensation plans, because the inclusion of the potential common shares would have had an antidilutive effect. These amounts were not material for 2013 and 2012.
