Consolidating Statement of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2013
        Parent Guarantor Guarantor   TWC
        Company Subsidiary Subsidiaries Eliminations Consolidated
Revenue$ $ $ 22,120 $ $ 22,120
Costs and expenses:              
 Cost of revenue      10,342     10,342
 Selling, general and administrative      3,798     3,798
 Depreciation      3,155     3,155
 Amortization      126     126
 Merger-related and restructuring costs    3   116     119
Total costs and expenses    3   17,537     17,540
Operating Income (Loss)    (3)   4,583     4,580
Equity in pretax income of consolidated              
 subsidiaries  3,273   3,659     (6,932)  
Interest expense, net  (235)   (501)   (816)     (1,552)
Other income (expense), net  1   (5)   15     11
Income before income taxes  3,039   3,150   3,782   (6,932)   3,039
Income tax provision  (1,085)   (1,139)   (973)   2,112   (1,085)
Net income  1,954   2,011   2,809   (4,820)   1,954
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling              
Net income attributable to TWC shareholders$ 1,954 $ 2,011 $ 2,809 $ (4,820) $ 1,954

Consolidating Statement of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2012
        Parent Guarantor Guarantor   TWC
        Company Subsidiary Subsidiaries Eliminations Consolidated
Revenue$ $ $ 21,386 $ $ 21,386
Costs and expenses:              
 Cost of revenue      9,942     9,942
 Selling, general and administrative      3,620     3,620
 Depreciation      3,154     3,154
 Amortization      110     110
 Merger-related and restructuring costs  24     91     115
Total costs and expenses  24     16,917     16,941
Operating Income (Loss)  (24)     4,469     4,445
Equity in pretax income of consolidated              
 subsidiaries  3,663   3,484     (7,147)  
Interest expense, net  (309)   (307)   (990)     (1,606)
Other income, net    480   17     497
Income before income taxes  3,330   3,657   3,496   (7,147)   3,336
Income tax provision  (1,175)   (1,315)   (948)   2,261   (1,177)
Net income  2,155   2,342   2,548   (4,886)   2,159
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling              
 interests      (4)     (4)
Net income attributable to TWC shareholders$ 2,155 $ 2,342 $ 2,544 $ (4,886) $ 2,155

Consolidating Statement of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2011
        Parent Guarantor Guarantor   TWC
        Company Subsidiary Subsidiaries Eliminations Consolidated
Revenue$ $ $ 19,675 $ $ 19,675
Costs and expenses:              
 Cost of revenue      9,138     9,138
 Selling, general and administrative      3,311     3,311
 Depreciation      2,994     2,994
 Amortization      33     33
 Merger-related and restructuring costs  9     61     70
 Asset impairments    16   44     60
Total costs and expenses  9   16   15,581     15,606
Operating Income (Loss)  (9)   (16)   4,094     4,069
Equity in pretax income of consolidated              
 subsidiaries  2,789   3,289     (6,078)  
Interest expense, net  (324)   (380)   (814)     (1,518)
Other income (expense), net  2   (107)   16     (89)
Income before income taxes  2,458   2,786   3,296   (6,078)   2,462
Income tax provision  (793)   (892)   (871)   1,761   (795)
Net income  1,665   1,894   2,425   (4,317)   1,667
Less: Net income attributable to noncontrolling              
 interests      (2)     (2)
Net income attributable to TWC shareholders$ 1,665 $ 1,894 $ 2,423 $ (4,317) $ 1,665
