Rate Regulated Basis of Accounting—The Company’s regulated operations follow the accounting and reporting requirements of FASB ASC No. 980, Regulated Operations. The economic effects of regulation can result in a regulated company deferring costs that have been or are expected to be recovered from customers in a period different from the period in which the costs would be charged to expense by an unregulated enterprise. When this situation occurs, costs are deferred as assets in the consolidated balance sheet (regulatory assets) and recorded as expenses when such amounts are reflected in rates. Additionally, regulators can impose liabilities upon a regulated company for amounts previously collected from customers and for current collection in rates of costs that are expected to be incurred in the future (regulatory liabilities). In the event the provisions of FASB ASC No. 980 no longer apply to any or all regulatory assets or liabilities, the Company would write off such amounts and include them in the consolidated statements of income and comprehensive income in the period for which FASB ASC No. 980 no longer applied.
