AT&T INC. | 2013 | FY | 3

Segment Results, including a reconciliation to AT&T consolidated results, for 2013, 2012, and 2011 are as follows:
At December 31, 2013 and for the year ended     Advertising Solutions        Consolidated Results
  Wireless  Wireline    Other  Consolidations  
Data$ 21,719 $ 33,593 $ - $ - $ - $ 55,312
Voice, text and other   39,833   20,333   -   -   -   60,166
Equipment and other   8,347   4,888   -   39   -   13,274
Total segment operating revenues  69,899   58,814   -   39   -   128,752
Operations and support expenses  44,508   41,638   -   1,316   (7,584)   79,878
Depreciation and amortization expenses  7,468   10,907   -   20   -   18,395
Total segment operating expenses  51,976   52,545   -   1,336   (7,584)   98,273
Segment operating income (loss)  17,923   6,269   -   (1,297)   7,584   30,479
Interest expense  -   -   -   -   3,940   3,940
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates   (75)   2   -   715   -   642
Other income (expense) – net  -   -   -   -   596   596
Segment income (loss) before income taxes$ 17,848 $ 6,271 $ - $ (582) $ 4,240 $ 27,777
Segment Assets$ 141,196 $ 123,714 $ - $ 12,875 $ 2 $ 277,787
Investments in and advances to equity method affiliates  61   -   -   3,799   -   3,860
Expenditures for additions to long-lived assets  11,191   10,036   -   1   -   21,228
At December 31, 2012 and for the year ended     Advertising Solutions        Consolidated Results
  Wireless  Wireline    Other  Consolidations  
Data$ 18,297 $ 31,841 $ - $ - $ - $ 50,138
Voice, text and other   40,889   22,614   -   -   -   63,503
Equipment and other   7,577   5,118   1,049   49   -   13,793
Total segment operating revenues  66,763   59,573   1,049   49   -   127,434
Operations and support expenses  43,296   41,207   773   1,024   9,994   96,294
Depreciation and amortization expenses  6,873   11,123   106   41   -   18,143
Total segment operating expenses  50,169   52,330   879   1,065   9,994   114,437
Segment operating income (loss)  16,594   7,243   170   (1,016)   (9,994)   12,997
Interest expense  -   -   -   -   3,444   3,444
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates   (62)   (1)   -   815   -   752
Other income (expense) – net  -   -   -   -   134   134
Segment income (loss) before income taxes$ 16,532 $ 7,242 $ 170 $ (201) $ (13,304) $ 10,439
Segment Assets$ 132,556 $ 125,340 $ - $ 14,416 $ 3 $ 272,315
Investments in and advances to equity method affiliates  41   -   -   4,540   -   4,581
Expenditures for additions to long-lived assets  10,795   8,914   13   6   -   19,728
For the year ended December 31, 2011      Advertising Solutions        Consolidated Results
  Wireless  Wireline    Other  Consolidations  
Data$ 14,861 $ 29,548 $ - $ - $ - $ 44,409
Voice, text and other   41,865   25,121   -   -   -   66,986
Equipment and other   6,489   5,480   3,293   66   -   15,328
Total segment operating revenues  63,215   60,149   3,293   66   -   126,723
Operations and support expenses  41,282   41,361   5,175   5,030   6,280   99,128
Depreciation and amortization expenses  6,329   11,615   386   47   -   18,377
Total segment operating expenses  47,611   52,976   5,561   5,077   6,280   117,505
Segment operating income (loss)  15,604   7,173   (2,268)   (5,011)   (6,280)   9,218
Interest expense  -   -   -   -   3,535   3,535
Equity in net income (loss) of affiliates   (29)   (2)   -   815   -   784
Other income (expense) – net  -   -   -   -   249   249
Segment income (loss) before income taxes$ 15,575 $ 7,171 $ (2,268) $ (4,196) $ (9,566) $ 6,716
