In March 2007, we sold and leased back property in Houston, Texas, consisting of land, offices and production facilities primarily related to the Subsea Technologies and Surface Technologies segments. We received net proceeds of $58.1 million in connection with the sale. The carrying value of the property sold was $20.3 million. We accounted for the transaction as a sale leaseback resulting in (i) first quarter 2007 recognition of $1.3 million of the $37.4 million gain on the transaction and (ii) the deferral of the remaining $36.1 million of the gain, which will be amortized to rent expense over a noncancellable ten-year lease term. The deferred gain is presented in other liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet. The lease expires in 2022 and provides for two 5-year optional extensions as well as the option to terminate the lease in 2017, subject to a $3.3 million fee. Annual rent of $4.2 million escalates 2.0% per year. The lease was recorded as an operating lease.