Select Disclosure: (US GAAP)
Purchase and Supply Commitment, Excluding Long-term Commitment, Note [Note Level]
Accelerated Share Repurchases [Hierarchy]
Accounting Changes and Error Corrections Note [Note Level]
Accounting Changes Note [Note Level]
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities [Roll Up]
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Note [Note Level]
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities, Current [Roll Up]
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities, Current, Note [Note Level]
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities, Noncurrent [Roll Up]
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities, Noncurrent, Note [Note Level]
Accounts Payable and Other Accrued Liabilities, Current [Roll Up]
Accounts Payable, Current [Roll Up]
Accounts Receivable, Net [Roll Up] (Unclassified balance sheet)
Accounts, Notes, Loans and Financing Receivable [Roll Up]
Accrued Income Taxes, Current and Noncurrent [Roll Up]
Accrued Liabilities [Roll Up]
Accrued Liabilities and Other Liabilities [Roll Up]
Accumulated and Projected Benefit Obligations [Roll Forward]
Accumulated Benefit Obligations in Excess of Fair Value of Plan Assets [Hierarchy]
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Amounts to be Recognized over Next Fiscal Year [Table Text Block]
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), by Equity Component [Roll Forward]
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Reclassification Out of [Hierarchy]
Accumulated Postemployment Benefit Obligations, Changes In [Roll Forward]
Additional Financial Information Note [Note Level]
Agriculture Policies [Policy Text Block]
Allowance for Credit Losses Note [Note Level]
Allowance for Credit Losses on Financing Receivables [Roll Forward]
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Receivable, by Legal Entity [Roll Forward]
Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share, by Security Name [Hierarchy]
Asset Impairment Charges Note [Note Level]
Asset Retirement Obligation [Roll Up]
Asset Retirement Obligation Note [Note Level]
Asset Retirement Obligation, by Legal Entity [Roll Forward]
Assets Disposed of by Method Other than Sale, in Period of Disposition, by Asset Name [Hierarchy]
Auction Market Preferred Securities by Stock Series [Table] (DO NOT USE)
Auction Market Preferred Securities Note [Note Level]
Available-for-sale Securities Reconciliation [Roll Up]
Available-for-sale Securities, by Major Type of Security [Hierarchy]
Available-for-sale Securities, Debt Maturities, Amortized Cost Basis [Roll Up]
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet, Parenthetical, by Legal Entity [Hierarchy]
Basis of Presentation and Significant Accounting Policies Note [Note Level]
Basis of Reporting Note [Note Level]
Benefit Obligations in Excess of Fair Value of Plan Assets [Table Text Block]
Billings in Excess of Cost [Roll Up]
Brokers and Dealers Accounting Policies [Policy Text Block]
Business Acquisition, Integration, Restructuring and Other Related Costs Note [Note Level]
Business Acquisition, Pro Forma Information [Hierarchy]
Business Acquisitions, by Acquisition [Hierarchy]
Business Acquisitions, Contingent Consideration, by Acquisition [Roll Forward]
Business Acquisitions, Equity Interest Issued or Issuable to Acquire Entity, by Acquisition and Type of Equity [Hierarchy]
Business Combination Note [Note Level]
Business Combination, Separately Recognized Transactions, by Transaction [Hierarchy]
Business Description and Accounting Policies Note [Note Level]
Business Description and Basis of Presentation Note [Note Level]
Business Insurance Recoveries Note [Note Level]
Business Insurance Recoveries, by Loss and Income Statement Location [Hierarchy]
Capital Leased Assets, Details by Asset Type [Roll Up]
Capital Leases in Financial Statements of Lessee Note [Note Level]
Capital Leases of Lessor in Financial Statements Note [Note Level]
Capital Units [Roll Forward]
Capitalized Computer Software, Net [Roll Forward]
Cash and Cash Equivalents and Short-term Investments Note [Note Level]
Cash and Cash Equivalents Note [Note Level]
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Details [Hierarchy]
Cash and Cash Equivalents, Details [Roll up]
Cash Flow Statement [Roll Forward]
Cash Flow, Operating Capital [Roll Up]
Cash Flow, Supplemental Information [Hierarchy]
Cash Flow, Supplemental Note [Note Level]
Cash Proceeds Received from Share-based Payment Awards [Hierarchy]
Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Marketable Securities Note [Note Level]
Change in Accounting Estimate, by Type of Change [Hierarchy]
Collaborative Arrangement Note [Note Level]
Collaborative Arrangements and Non-collaborative Arrangement Transactions, by Type of Arranngement [Hierarchy]
Commitments and Contingencies Note [Note Level]
Commitments Contingencies and Guarantees Note [Note Level]
Commitments Note [Note Level]
Common Stock Outstanding [Roll Forward]
Common Stock, by Class [Hierarchy]
Common Stock, by Class, Balance Sheet Parenthetical [Hierarchy]
Compensation and Employee Benefit Plans Note [Note Level]
Compensation and Employee Benefit Plans Other than Share-based Compensation Note [Note Level]
Compensation Cost for Share-based Payment Arrangements, Allocation of Share-based Compensation Costs by Plan [Hierarchy]
Compensation Related Costs and Share-based Payments Note [Note Level]
Compensation Related Costs, General, Note [Note Level]
Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Table Text Block]
Comprehensive Income (Loss) Note [Note Level]
Concentration of Risk, by Risk Factor [Hierarchy]
Concentration Risk Note [Note Level]
Condenced Financial Information [Hierarchy]
Condensed Balance Sheet [Roll Up]
Condensed Cash Flow Statement [Roll Forward]
Condensed Financial Statements Note [Note Level]
Condensed Income Statement [Roll Up]
Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Change Due to Net Income Attributable to Parent and Effects of Changes, Net [Roll Up]
Consolidation, Less than Wholly Owned Subsidiary, Parent Ownership Interest, Effects of Changes, Net [Roll Up]
Consolidation, Variable Interest Entity, Policy [Policy Text Block]
Construction Contractors Policies [Policy Text Block]
Contingencies Note [Note Level]
Contract Receivable Retainage [Roll Up]
Contracts and Arrangements to Perform for Research and Development for Others, by Type of Contract [Hierarchy]
Conversion of Stock, by Name [Hierarchy]
Convertible Debt [Table Text Block]
Cost and Equity Method Investments Note [Note Level]
Cost-method Investments Note [Note Level]
Cost-method Investments, by Major Type of Security and Investment Name [Hierarchy]
Cost-method Investments, Realized Gain (Loss), Excluding Other than Temporary Impairments [Roll Up]
Credit Losses Related to Financing Receivables, Current [Roll Forward]
Credit Losses Related to Financing Receivables, Current and Noncurrent [Roll Forward]
Credit Losses Related to Financing Receivables, Noncurrent [Roll Forward]
Debt [Table Text Block]
Debt and Capital Leases Note [Note Level]
Debt Conversion, by Conversion [Hierarchy]
Debt Instrument Redemption Note [Note Level]
Debt Note [Note Level]
Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Excluding Share-based Payments and Postretirement Benefits, by Title of Individual and by Type of Deferred Compensation [Hierarchy]
Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Postretirement Benefits [Hierarchy]
Deferred Compensation Arrangement with Individual, Share-based Payments, by Title of Individual [Hierarchy]
Deferred Costs, Capitalized, Prepaid, and Other Assets Note [Note Level]
Deferred Revenue [Roll Forward]
Deferred Revenue [Roll Up]
Deferred Revenue Arrangement, by Type [Roll Up]
Deferred Revenue Note [Note Level]
Deferred Tax Assets (Liabilities), Net [Roll Up]
Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities [Roll Up]
Deferred Tax Liability Not Recognized [Hierarchy]
Defined Benefit Plan, Allocation of Plan Assets [Hierarchy]
Defined Benefit Plan, Assumptions Used, by Plan [Hierarchy]
Defined Benefit Plan, Change in Benefit Obligation, by Plan [Roll Forward]
Defined Benefit Plan, Expected Benefit Payments [Hierarchy]
Defined Benefit Plan, Net Periodic Benefit Costs, by Plan [Roll Up]
Defined Benefit Plans Note [Note Level]
Derivative Financial Instruments Indexed to, and Potentially Settled in, Entitys Own Stock, Equity [Hierarchy]
Derivative Instruments in Statement of Financial Position Fair Value [Roll Up]
Derivative Note [Note Level]
Derivatives and Fair Value Note [Note Level]
Development Stage Enterprise General Note [Note Level]
Differences between Reported Amount and Reporting Currency Denominated Amount, by Financial Statement Line Item [Hierarchy]
Disposal Groups, Including Discontinued Operations, Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Additional Disclosures, by Disposal Group [Abstract]
Disposal Groups, Including Discontinued Operations, Note [Note Level]
Distributions Made to Limited Liability Company (LLC) Member, by Distribution Type [Hierarchy]
Distributions Made to Limited Partner, by Distribution Type [Hierarchy]
Dividend Payment Restrictions Note [Note Level]
Dividends Declared, by Class of Stock and Dividend Status [Hierarchy]
Dividends Payable, by Class of Stock and Dividend Status [Hierarchy]
Document and Entity Information [Hierarchy]
Document Information [Hierarchy]
Due to Related Parties, Current [Roll Up]
Earnings Per Share Calculation [Text Block] (DO NOT USE)
Earnings Per Share Note [Note Level]
Earnings Per Share, Basic [Roll Up]
Earnings Per Share, Basic, by Common Class, Including Two Class Method [Table] (DO NOT USE)
Earnings Per Share, Diluted, by Common Class, Including Two Class Method [Table] (DO NOT USE)
Effect of Fourth Quarter Events [Hierarchy]
Effect of One-Percentage-Point Change in Assumed Health Care Cost Trend Rates [Table Text Block]
Effect of Significant Unobservable Inputs, Changes in Plan Assets [Table Text Block]
Effects on Future Earnings and Cash Flows Resulting from Exit Plan, by Effect [Hierarchy]
Employee Service Share-based Compensation, Allocation of Recognized Period Costs, by Report Line [Hierarchy]
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Note [Note Level]
Entity Information, by Legal Entity [Hierarchy]
Entity Listings, by Legal Entity and Instrument and Exchange [Hierarchy]
Environmental Exit Cost, by Property [Hierarchy]
Environmental Loss Contingencies Accrual [Roll Forward]
Environmental Loss Contingencies Accrual [Roll Up]
Environmental Loss Contingencies, by Site [Hierarchy]
Environmental Loss Contingency Note [Note Level]
Equity Method Investments [Abstract]
Equity Method Investments Note [Note Level]
Error Corrections and Prior Period Adjustments, by Error [Hierarchy]
Extinguishment of Debt, by Type of Debt Extinguished [Hierarchy]
Extraordinary Items [Abstract]
Extraordinary Items Note [Note Level]
Fair Value Measurement Inputs Note [Note Level]
Fair Value Measurements Note [Note Level]
Fair Value Measurements, Recurring and Nonrecurring [Hierarchy]
Fair Value Option Note [Note Level]
Fair Value, Assets Measured on Recurring Basis, Unobservable Input Reconciliation [Roll Forward]
Financial Instruments Note [Note Level]
Financial Instruments Subject to Mandatory Redemption, by Settlement Terms Category [Roll Up]
Financing Receivable Past Due, Recorded Investment, Aging, by Class of Financing Receivable [Hierarchy]
Financing Receivables Note [Note Level]
Financing Receivables, Minimum Payments [Roll Up]
Financing Receivables, Non Accrual Status, by Receivable Type and Class of Receivable [Roll Up]
Financing Receivables, Recorded Investment, Credit Quality Indicators, by Class of Financing Receivable and Collateral [Hierarchy]
Financing Receivables, Troubled Debt Restructurings, by Restructuring [Hierarchy]
Finite-lived Intangible Assets Acquired as Part of Business Combination [Hierarchy]
Finite-lived Intangible Assets Amortization Expense [Table Text Block]
Finite-lived Intangible Assets, by Major Class [Hierarchy]
Finite-lived Intangible Assets, Estimated Useful Lives, by Major Class [Hierarchy]
Finite-lived Intangible Assets, Future Amortization Expense [Roll Up]
Finite-lived Intangible Assets, Net, by Major Class [Roll Up]
Foreign Currency Transaction Note [Note Level]
Forward Contract Indexed to Issuers Equity, by Equity Type [Hierarchy]
Franchisor Locations, by Location [Hierarchy]
Fresh-Start Adjustments, by Adjustment Type [Abstract]
Future Minimum Payments Due under Operating Leases of Lessee [Hierarchy]
Future Minimum Payments Due under Operating Leases of Lessee [Roll Up]
Future Minimum Payments Receivable of Operating Leases of Lessor [Roll Up]
Future Minimum Payments, Present Value of Net Minimum Payments, Noncancelable Capital Leases, Lessor [Roll Up]
Future Minimum Payments, Present Value of Net Minimum Payments, Sale Leaseback Transactions [Roll Up]
Future Minimum Sublease Rentals, Sales Leaseback Transactions, Seller-Lessee [Roll Up]
Gain (Loss) on Investments [Table]
Gain Contingencies, by Nature of Contingency [Hierarchy]
Going Concern Note [Note Level]
Goodwill [Roll Forward]
Goodwill Note [Note Level]
Goodwill, by Business Segment [Hierarchy]
Government Contractors Policies [Policy Text Block]
Guarantees Note [Note Level]
Guarantor Obligations, by Nature of Obligation and Balance Sheet Location and Credit Rating and Underlying Asset Class [Hierarchy]
Health Care Cost Trend Rates [Table Text Block]
Health Care Entities Policies [Policy Text Block]
Held-to-maturity Securities, by Security [Abstract]
Impaired Assets to be Disposed of by Method Other than Sale [Hierarchy]
Impaired Financing Receivables [Hierarchy]
Impaired Long-Lived Assets Held and Used, by Asset Type [Hierarchy]
Incentive Distribution Made to Managing Member or General Partner, by Recipient [Hierarchy]
Incentive Distribution Policy, Managing Member or General Partner, Description [Policy Text Block]
Income before Income Tax, Domestic and Foreign [Roll Up]
Income Statement, by Legal Entity [Roll Up]
Income Tax Contingency, Unrecognized Tax Benefits [Roll Forward]
Income Tax Examination, by Income Tax Authority [Hierarchy]
Income Tax Examination, Penalties and Interest Accrued [Hierarchy]
Income Tax Expense (Benefit), Current and Deferred Details [Roll Up]
Income Tax Holiday, by Income Tax Authority [Hierarchy]
Income Tax Note [Note Level]
Incremental Effects on Balance Sheet, Application of FAS 158 Recognition Provisions [Roll Forward]
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets [Roll Forward]
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Acquired as Part of Business Combination, by Acquisition and Major Class [Hierarchy]
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, Acquired, by Major Class [Hierarchy]
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, by Major Class [Hierarchy]
Indefinite-lived Intangible Assets, by Major Class [Roll Up]
Insurance Accounting Policies, Insurance Companies [Hierarchy]
Intangible Assets and Goodwill [Table Text Block]
Intangible Assets and Goodwill Note [Note Level]
Intangible Assets Note [Note Level]
Intangible Assets, Impaired, by Major Class [Hierarchy]
Intercompany Foreign Currency Balance, by Entity Name or Description [Hierarchy]
Interest and Other Income [Roll Up]
Interest and Other Income Note [Note Level]
Inventory Note [Note Level]
Inventory, Current [Table Text Block] (DO NOT USE, DUPLICATE)
Inventory, Net (Current) [Roll Up]
Inventory, Noncurrent [Roll Up]
Inventory, Noncurrent [Table Text Block] (DO NOT USE, DUPLICATE)
Investment Income, Reported Amounts, by Category [Roll Up]
Investments and Other Noncurrent Assets Note [Note Level]
Investments Classified by Contractual Maturity Date [Roll Up]
Investments in Debt and Equity Instruments, Cash And Cash Equivalents, Unrealized and Realized Gains Losses Note [Note Level]
Investments in Debt and Marketable Equity Securities Note [Note Level]
Leases of Lessee Note [Note Level]
Leases of Lessor Note [Note Level]
Legal Matters and Contingencies Note [Note Level]
Leveraged Leases, Net Investment in Leveraged Leases [Roll Up]
Life Insurance, Corporate or Bank Owned, Note [Note Level]
Life Settlement Contracts Note [Note Level]
Life Settlement Contracts, Fair Value Method, Number of Contracts, Fiscal Year Maturity [Roll Up]
Life Settlement Contracts, Investment Method, Number of Contracts, Fiscal Year Maturity [Roll Up]
Limited Partners Capital Account, by Class [Abstract]
Line of Credit Facility, by Type [Hierarchy]
Long Lived Assets Held-for-sale, by Asset Type [Hierarchy]
Long-Lived Assets in Individual Foreign Countries, by Geographic Area [Hierarchy]
Long-Lived Assets to be Abandoned, by Asset Name [Hierarchy]
Long-Lived Assets, by Geographic Area [Hierarchy]
Long-term Contracts or Programs Note [Note Level]
Long-term Debt Instruments, by Instrument [Hierarchy]
Long-term Debt Maturities [Hierarchy]
Long-term Debt Maturities [Roll Up]
Long-term Debt Note [Note Level]
Long-term Purchase Commitment, by Category of Item Purchased [Hierarchy]
Loss Contingencies [Hierarchy]
Loss Contingency Accrual [Roll Forward]
Marketable Securities, Current [Roll Up]
Member Equity Note [Note Level]
Mergers, Acquisitions and Dispositions Note [Note Level]
Misstatement of Prior Year Statement Corrected in Current Year Financial Statements, by Nature of Error [Hierarchy]
Mortgage Notes Payable Note [Note Level]
Nature of Operations Note [Note Level]
Net Changes in Fair Value of Plan Assets [Table Text Block]
Net Funded Status [Table Text Block]
Net Periodic Benefit Cost Not yet Recognized [Table Text Block]
New Accounting Pronouncement, Early Adoption, by New Procouncement Adopted [Hierarchy]
New Accounting Pronouncements and Changes in Accounting Principles, by New Pronouncement Adopted [Abstract]
New Accounting Pronouncements or Change in Accounting Principle [Note Level]
Noncash or Part Noncash Acquisitions, by Acquisition [Abstract]
Noncash or Part Noncash Divestitures, by Divestiture [Hierarchy]
Noncontrolling Interest Note [Note Level]
Nonmonetary Transactions Note [Note Level]
Nonmonetary Transactions, by Transaction Type [Hierarchy]
Nontrade Receivables, Current [Roll Up]
Nonvested Performance-based Units Activity [Roll Forward]
Nonvested Restricted Stock Units Activity [Roll Forward]
Nonvested Share Activity [Table Text Block]
Oil and Gas Accounting Policies [Hierarchy]
Operating Leased Assets Details, by Contractual Arrangement and Asset Type [Abstract]
Operating Leases of Leasor, Property Subject to or Available for Operating Lease, by Major Property Class [Abstract]
Operating Leases of Lessor Note [Note Level]
Operating Leases, Rent Expense, Net [Roll Up]
Operating Loss Tax Carryforwards, by Income Tax Authority and Tax Period [Hierarchy]
Option Indexed to Issuers Equity Note [Note Level]
Option Indexed to Issuers Equity, by Option Type and Position [Hierarchy]
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements and Significant Accounting Policies Note [Note Level]
Organization, Consolidation and Presentation of Financial Statements Note [Note Level]
Organization, Consolidation, Basis of Presentation, Business Description, and Accounting Policies Note [Note Level]
Other Assets [Roll Up] (Balance sheet classifications)
Other Assets [Table Text Block]
Other Assets and Other Liabilities [Abstract]
Other Assets Note [Note Level]
Other Assets, Current [Roll Up]
Other Assets, Current, Note [Note Level]
Other Assets, Noncurrent [Roll Up]
Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Defined Benefit Plan Amounts Recognized [Roll Up]
Other Comprehensive Income, Noncontrolling Interest, Note [Note Level]
Other Income and Other Expense Note [Note Level]
Other Liabilities [Roll Up]
Other Liabilities Note [Note Level]
Other Liabilities, Noncurrent [Roll Up]
Other Nonoperating Expense Components [Hierarchy]
Other Nonoperating Income (Expense) [Roll Up]
Other Nonoperating Income and Expense Note [Note Level]
Other Operating Income and Expense Note [Note Level]
Other Operating Income and Expense, Net [Roll Up]
Other Ownership Interests, by Name [Abstract]
Other Share-based Compensation, Activity [Roll Forward]
Other Significant Noncash Transactions, by Transaction [Hierarchy]
Other than Temporary Impairment, Credit Losses Recognized in Earnings, by Debt Security Category and Debt Security [Roll Forward]
Participating Mortgage Loans, by Name [Hierarchy]
Partners Capital Note [Note Level]
Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits Note [Note Level]
Pension Plans or Other Employee Benefit Plans, Amounts Recognized in Balance Sheet [Hierarchy]
Pension Plans or Other Employee Benefit Plans, Amounts Recognized in Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) [Roll Up]
Postemployment Benefits Note [Note Level]
Preferred Stock [Hierarchy]
Preferred Stock Note [Note Level]
Preferred Stock, by class, Balance Sheet Parenthetical [Hierarchy]
Preferred Units, by Class [Abstract]
Product information, by Product or Service and Concentration Risk Benchmark [Hierarchy]
Product Liability Contingencies, by Product or Service [Abstract]
Product Warranty Accrual (Standard and Extended Combined) [Roll Forward]
Product Warranty Accrual, Extended [Roll Forward]
Product Warranty Accrual, Standard [Roll Forward]
Product Warranty Accrual, Standard and Extended, Balance Sheet Classification [Roll Up]
Product Warranty Accrual, Standard, Balance Sheet Classification [Roll Up]
Product Warranty Liability [Roll Forward]
Product Warranty Note [Note Level]
Product Warranty, Extended, Other Information [Hierarchy]
Product Warranty, Standard, Other Information [Hierarchy]
Projected Benefit Obligations, Changes In [Roll Forward]
Property, Plant and Equipment [Roll Forward]
Property, Plant and Equipment and Intangible Assets Note [Note Level]
Property, Plant and Equipment Note [Note Level]
Property, Plant and Equipment Useful Lives, by Type [Hierarchy]
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Type [Roll Up]
Property, Plant and Equipment, Net, by Type [Roll Up] (Axis/Member style)
Property, Plant and Equipment, Significant Acquisitions and Disposals [Table Text Block]
Prospective Adoption of New Accounting Pronouncements, by New Pronouncement [Hierarchy]
Public Utilities Policies [Policy Text Block]
Purchase and Supply Commitment, Excluding Long-term Commitment, Note [Note Level]
Purchase Commitments Excluding Long-term Commitments, by Commitment [Hierarchy]
Quarterly Financial Information [Hierarchy]
Quarterly Financial Information Note [Note Level]
Real Estate Policies [Policy Text Block]
Real Estate Properties, by Property [Hierarchy]
Realized Gain (Loss) [Table Text Block]
Realized Gain (Loss) on Investments [Roll Up]
Receivables (Loans, Notes, Trade, Other) Note [Note Level]
Receivables with Imputed Interest, by Name of Receivable [Hierarchy]
Receivables, Other Miscellaneous Information [Hierarchy] (Duplicate of note level text block, ignore)
Reclassification Amount Note [Note Level]
Reclassifications Note [Note Level]
Recognized Identified Assets Acquired and Liabilities Assumed [Table Text Block]
Reconcilation of Statutory to Effective Income Tax Rate, Continuing Operations [Roll Up]
Reconciliation of Assets from Segment to Consolidated, by Reportable Segment [Hierarchy]
Reconciliation of Operating Profit (Loss) from Segments to Consolidated, by Reportable Segment [Hierarchy]
Reconciliation of Other Significant Reconciling Items from Segments to Consolidated, by Reportable Segment [Hierarchy]
Reconciliation of Revenue from Segments to Consolidated, by Reportable Segment [Hierarchy]
Recorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, Rolling Maturities, by Item Purchased [Roll Up]
Redeemable Noncontrolling Interest [Roll Forward]
Related Party Note [Note Level]
Related Party Transactions, by Related Party [Abstract]
Reorganization under Chapter 11 of US Bankruptcy Code Note [Note Level]
Research and Development Assets Acquired Other than Through Business Combination, by Transaction [Hierarchy]
Research, Development, and Computer Software Note [Note Level]
Restatement of Prior Year Income [Hierarchy]
Restricted Assets Note [Note Level]
Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents, by Type of Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents [Hierarchy]
Restrictions on Dividends, Loans, and Advances Note [Note Level]
Restructuring and Related Activities Note [Note Level]
Restructuring and Related Costs [Table] (DO NOT USE)
Restructuring and Related Costs, by Restructuring Type [Hierarchy]
Restructuring Charges [Roll Up]
Restructuring Reserve [Roll Forward]
Restructuring Reserve, by Type of Cost [Roll Forward]
Restructuring Reserve, Current and Noncurrent Portions [Roll Up]
Restructuring, Impairment, and Other Activities Note [Note Level]
Retained Earnings Adjustments, by Adjustment [Roll Up]
Retirement Plans Cost [Roll Up]
Revenue from External Customers and Long-Lived Assets, by Geographical Area [Hierarchy]
Revenue from External Customers Attributed to Foreign Countries, by Geographic Area [Hierarchy]
Revenue from External Customers, by Products or Services [Hierarchy]
Revenue from Major Customers, by Reporting Segments [Hierarchy]
Revenue Recognition Policy [Policy Text Block]
Revenue Recognition, Milestone Method, by Type of Arrangement [Hierarchy]
Revenue Recognition, Multiple-deliverable Arrangements, by Type of Arrangement and Product or Service [Hierarchy]
Revenue Recognition, Multiple-deliverable Arrangements, Description [Policy Text Block]
Revenues from External Customers, by Geographic Area [Hierarchy]
Sale Leaseback Transaction Details, by Transaction [Abstract]
Sale Leaseback Transaction Note [Note Level]
Segment Reporting Information, by Segment [Hierarchy]
Segment Reporting Note [Note Level]
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Equity Instruments Other than Options, Nonvested [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Grant Date Intrinsic Value [Table Text Block]
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Grants in Period, Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value [Table Text Block]
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested and Expected to Vest, Exercisable [Table Text Block]
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested and Expected to Vest, Outstanding [Table Text Block]
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Options, Vested and Expected to Vest, Outstanding and Exercisable [Table Text Block]
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Performance-Based Units, Vested and Expected to Vest [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation Arrangement by Share-based Payment Award, Restricted Stock Units, Vested and Expected to Vest [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation Arrangements, by Award [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation, Activity [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, Activity [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation, Nonemployee Director Stock Award Plan, Activity [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation, Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units Activity [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation, Restricted Stock Units Award Activity [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation, Restricted Stock Units Award Activity, Weighted Average Price [Roll Forward Info]
Share-based Compensation, Shares Authorized under Stock Option Plans, by Exercise Price Range [Abstract]
Share-based Compensation, Stock Appreciation Rights Award Activity [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation, Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights Award Activity [Roll Forward]
Share-based Compensation, Stock Options, Activity [Roll Forward]
Share-based Goods and Nonemployee Services Transactions, by Supplier [Abstract]
Share-based Payment Award, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, Valuation Assumptions [Hierarchy]
Share-based Payment Award, Stock Options, Valuation Assumptions [Hierarchy]
Shareholders Equity and Share-based Payments Note [Note Level]
Short-term Debt Note [Note Level]
Short-term Debt, by Type of Debt and by Debt Instrument [Abstract]
Significant Accounting Policies Note [Note Level]
Significant Change in Unrecognized Tax Benefits is Reasonably Possible, by Nature of Uncertainty [Hierarchy]
Statement of Comprehensive Income [Roll Up]
Statement of Income and Comprehensive Income [Roll Up]
Stock Options [Roll Forward]
Stockholders Equity [Table Text Block] (DO NOT USE, TO BE DELETED)
Stockholders Equity Note [Note Level]
Subsequent Event Pro Forma Business Combinations Note [Note Level]
Subsequent Events Note [Note Level]
Subsequent Events, Schedule of (Duplicate) [Table Text Block]
Subsidiary of Limited Liability Company or Limited Partnership, Description [Table Text Block]
Subsidiary or Equity Method Investee, by Reportable Investee [Hierarchy]
Supplemental Balance Sheet Note [Note Level]
Supply Commitments, by Commitment [Hierarchy]
Targeted or Tracking Stock, by Class of Stock [Hierarchy]
Tax Credit Carryforwards, by Carryforward Name and Tax Authority and Tax Period [Hierarchy]
Temporary Equity, by Class [Abstract]
Temporary Impairment Losses, Investments [Roll Up]
Trading Securities and Other Trading Assets, by Type of Security or Asset [Abstract]
Treasury Stock Note [Note Level]
Treasury Stock, by Class of Stock [Hierarchy]
Troubled Debt Restructuring Summary Note, Debtor [Table] (DO NOT USE)
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Current Period [Table] (DO NOT USE)
Troubled Debt Restructuring, Debtor, Subsequent Periods, by Name [Hierarchy]
Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments [Roll Up]
Unrealized Loss on Investments [Roll Up]
Unrecognized Compensation Cost, Nonvested Awards [Roll Up]
Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Excluding Amounts Pertaining to Examined Tax Returns [Roll Forward]
Unrecognized Tax Benefits, Income Tax Penalties and Interest Accrued [Roll Up]
Unrecorded Unconditional Purchase Obligation, by Category of Item Purchased [Abstract]
Unusual or Infrequent Item, by Item [Abstract]
Unusual or Infrequent Items Note [Note Level]
Unusual Risks and Uncertainties, by Nature of Risk or Uncertainty [Hierarchy]
Valuation Allowance, by Deferred Tax Asset [Hierarchy]
Valuation Allowances And Reserves Balance [Roll Forward]
Valuation And Qualifying Accounts Note [Note Level]
Variable Interest Entities, by Entity Classification and Balance Sheet Location [Abstract]
Warrants or Rights Issued [Hierarchy]
Weighted Average Number of Shares Outstanding, Basic [Roll Up]
Economic Entity Name
CareView Communications Inc
Consumer Capital Group, Inc.
XRS Corp
Created by XBRL